Change the format of the Smart AIgent answer to HTML format.
When you are using the smart AIgent to provide answers from uploaded articles you may have noticed that the AIgent is giving the answer in one long paragraph. There now is a new option available so the AIgent will try to provide the answer in multiple paragraphs to make the answer easier to read and look better.
See examples:
The answer with 'advanced options' enabled The answer with 'advanced options' disabled
How can you change this?
In the flow where the chatbot is answering you can click on the bot turn: 'reply' {{system.smart_aigent_reply}}. When you click on this you'll see a new menu on the right side of your screen.
At the 'Replies' section you can see the option 'enable advanced options'. When you click on this (the text will change to 'disable advanced options') and save, the option will be enabled. After saving you need to deploy the chatbot to make the change go live.
When you enabled this setting and have deployed the chatbot, the Smart AIgent will try to formulate the answers in HTML format.