Dialog default value

The Dialog default value section on the chatbot’s Settings page allows you to customize key aspects of the conversation experience of your end-users.

Interactive turns

The Interactive Turns provides options for configuring how message cropping may occur. This setting offers three cropping methods to handle longer text:

  • end with ...
  • omit the last word
  • cut mid-word

Good to know:

If omit the last word is chosen. If one word is an option and if the word is longer than the expected characters, it cannot be omitted therefore the automatic cropping will use the end with ....

Will a cropping occur on an interactive turn on your chatbot?

  • Webchat/ Livechat

There will be no automatic cropping on this channel. We do recommend keeping the maximum number of buttons to 10 with 15 characters, if there are more options, we advise using a list (Picker node).

  • WhatsApp
    ⚠️ This channel may be affected by automatic cropping
If you are using buttons and lists via WhatsApp (available on request), 
it is important to know that WhatsApp has strict rules regarding the display of options.
  1. Up to 3 options appear as buttons with a 20-character limit,
  2. Between 4 to 10 options display as a list with a 24-character limit.
  3. The message cannot be processed if there are more than 10 options. 

In this scenario, if the buttons and lists are enabled, we are going to crop the message to match the expected restriction applied by WhatsApp. The goal is to ensure that all the messages are sent to the end-users, the options you choose will therefore influence how those options are presented on WhatsApp. 


  • Facebook

This channel does not support interactive turns.

  • X (Twitter)

This channel does not support interactive turns.