Creating a handover flow



When your chatbot can't help your user with their question, it may be time to hand them over to one of your live agents. A handover consists of two parts: 

  1. the flow that leads your user to the handover
  2. and the dialog that handles the logic of switching the user to the handover. 


User flow:

It's good practise to ask your user whether they'd like to speak to a live agent, rather than just connecting straight away. Here's what such a flow could look like:


  1. The user has landed on a no.response turn for the second time.
  2. Create a yes/no question to ask whether they'd like to speak to a live agent. 
  3. Point the yes button to a subdialog 'handover.livechat', where you can build the logic of your handover. 

Build the handover logic:

The technical realisation of the handover is done through an API. The API configuration is usually done by either your developer or by OBI themselves. Please consult them for building the API. 

Because you're probably going to use a handover flow more than once, create a separate subdialog for it.


  1. Add an Action turn and select the handover API. 
  2. Add the turns for when you live agent is available, and for when this is not the case. Ask your developer for the details that you should enter in this bot. 
  3. Add replies for both situations. In case an agent is available, this could be something like 'Sure! I'll put you through right now', or any other kind of information that lets your user know that they're about to be transferred. 

When there's no one available, you can either restart the chatbot and let your user ask some more questions, or you can gently prepare them for exiting the bot. This depends very much on the context of where your user is right now, how many unsuccesful turns they already experienced, etc.