When you select Analyze -> Conversations in the main menu, the conversation list shows you all conversations that have been held in your chatbot. To see this list filled, you will need to deploy your chatbot first.
It doesn't show internal conversation that you held in Bots while building your bot.
- Conversations
- Exporting the conversations list
- Archiving conversations
Here's the information that's displayed:
Channel: Logo of the channel use
Message: the first message that your user sends. This is either the actual utterance or when your chatbot uses buttons, the button text.
Date: date and time of the conversation.
Intent: the intent to which your user utterance was matched.
State: is the conversation open, completed, or timeout.
Exporting the conversations list
You can easily export the conversations list to a .csv file by clicking Export conversations. With the date selector you can select the time period for which you want the export the conversation.
Archiving conversations
When opening a conversation there is a big archive button. If a conversation has been read an analyzed, you can use the archive button to archive the conversation. To find the archived conversations, select the Archived option in the 'Conversation' filter. You will get a list of all archived conversations.