What is Media Value?
The value of PR - or of a publication - is often expressed in terms of media value. This is the price of the publication if you would have bought it as an advertisement.
Media value is a calculation of several things. The reach of a medium plays a big role, but also the size of the publication, the insertion of the article and the page where the publication is posted on (or the place on the website). To calculate the media value, we need reach. Below is a brief explanation of reach.
*LexisNexis does not provide reach values and RTV Monitor and ANP does not provide all values, but a limited number.
Reach: Similarweb
Reach in Media Monitor is derived from Similarweb's reach figures. This is an authority on reach estimation and they provide figures on both web and mobile reach.Media Value calculated
To calculate media values, we use the following formula:
CPM * (Bereik/30)/1000 * EditorialValue
* CPM (advertising rate per thousand people reached)
* EditorialValue
CPM stands for "Cost per Mille," which represents the cost per 1,000 views of an ad.
The Range is divided by 30 (days) to calculate the daily range, provided the original range is a monthly figure. This daily reach is again divided by 1,000 to convert it into thousands.
Finally, this result is multiplied by the EditorialValue, a measure of the quality or value of the content.