Within the reporting module, there are multiple charts displaying various Facebook data. You can find these charts under the 'Platforms' section. To load data into a report, simply drag the desired chart into your report and select a Facebook account via the gear icon (located in the upper right corner of the chart). You can report on the following data:
Facebook Likes per Day
The line chart illustrates the development of the number of likes per Facebook page. The Y-axis represents the number of likes, while the X-axis represents the date.
Facebook New Likes per Day
This line chart displays the number of new likes per Facebook page. The Y-axis shows the number of new likes added, and the X-axis represents the date.
Facebook Insights
The table presents posts, along with interactions, engagement, and reach. Interactions encompass likes, comments, and shares on a post. Engagement encompasses all other clicks on the post, such as clicks on page titles or the "more information" link. Reach is the number of individuals who have seen your posts. Your post counts as "reached" when it appears in a newsfeed. Engagement percentage for a post: number of engaged individuals (all actions) / number of reached individuals x 100%. Average engagement percentage for all posts in period X. Interaction percentage for a post: number of engaged individuals (engagement) / number of reached individuals x 100%.
Facebook IPM (Interactions per Mille)
The IPM score indicates the level of engagement from your Facebook page's fans. IPM is calculated by dividing reactions, likes, and shares by the number of posts and fans. An IPM of 4 is considered average.
Facebook Page Visits
This chart shows the number of people who visit your Facebook page daily. The Y-axis represents the number of individuals, while the X-axis represents the date of page visits.
Facebook Page Reach
Reach represents the number of people who have received impressions through a page post. Reach may be less than the number of impressions because one person can view multiple impressions.