You want to exclude a message from your reporting. It is possible to exclude this message from your reporting so that you will no longer come across these messages. Follow the step-by-step plan below to get started.
You need access to Reports, Searches, and optionally Streams. If you don't have access to these, please contact your administrator. Your administrator has the rights to perform the following steps.
Step 1: Select the message in the Stream, Quick Searches, or in your Reports, and give it a tag, e.g., "spam" as desired.
Step 2: Navigate to 'Quick Searches.' If you enter usertag:spam, you will see all messages with the usertag "spam" If you enter NOT usertag:spam, you will not see these messages.
Step 3: Navigate to 'Searches,' select the search, and add NOT usertag:spam. Don't forget to save the modified search! You can also create a new search.
Please note! If you already have multiple exclusions in the search, add them with the "OR" operator (e.g., "NOT (word OR usertag:spam OR word OR word)."
Step 4: Now you will notice that this message no longer appears in your Reports or Stream. You can always practice your search using 'Quick Searches' before saving your search.
Step 5: If you haven't created a Report yet, follow the steps here.
Use the usertag operator in a widget as a filter.