In the article below you can read how you can report by action or publication date. After reading this article you will know the difference between the two options.
In a report you have the option at the top right (below the blue bar) to base the content of the report on Action date or Publication date. The default value is publication date and this is also the value you used to report on by default.
Report by publication date
If you set up a report with the date of 01-2-2022, the report will default to all messages that came in on this date, the publication date. For example, if you do not work on a Sunday (company is closed) and set up a report with the date on a Sunday, you will still see webcare activity in the report, because the messages with publication date of this Sunday were treated at a later time in the week . Publication date really looks purely at the moment at which messages were received and bases the rest of the report on that.
Report by action date
If you set up the same report but report by action date, the report will look at all actions performed on the date set at the top right of the report. So if you choose a Sunday here (when you are closed), you will not find any data in the webcare tables, because no actions were performed on this day. The action date is therefore especially useful if you really want to look at what has been done on a certain day (or period), without taking into account when the messages came in.