How do I use campaign tags?

Imagine you're running a campaign that involves a series of publications. It's useful to have a clear overview of when you've published specific content for this campaign. You can create this overview by using what are called 'Campaign Tags.'

Step 1: When you're scheduling a post or publishing it directly via 'Publishing > New post,' you can add a tag to that post. Later, in the calendar, you can filter by these tags, providing you with a comprehensive view of the published posts within this campaign.

To add a Campaign Tag to a post, click on the 'Tag icon' below the post field.

Step 2: If there are already Campaign Tags added to the environment, you'll see a drop-down menu, allowing you to select an existing tag. You can create a new tag by typing in the field and add it to the environment by pressing Enter.

Subsequently, you can filter by these tags by clicking 'Tag' on the left side of the screen in the calendar. Here, you'll encounter a similar drop-down menu to select the desired tags.