What are the available operators for Webcare queries? (Settings)

The search queries described in this article are required to use the Webcare Module. For more extensive monitoring options, see the Media Monitor Module.

Overview of all the operators and their functions

Use "AND" to display messages that contain all the specified words. For example, (social AND media AND monitoring) will only show messages that include all three words.

Use "OR" to display messages that contain one or more of the specified words. For example, (social OR media OR monitoring) will show messages that include any of these words.

Use "NOT" to exclude specific words from the search query. This can be done in two ways, for example: socialmedia NOT vacancy NOT monitoring or socialmedia NOT (vacancy OR monitoring). In both cases, messages that contain the word "socialmedia" will only be shown if the words "vacancy" and "monitoring" are not mentioned.

( ):
Parentheses are optional in the above examples but are recommended for complex search queries. For example, (social AND media) OR (monitoring AND tool) will show messages that include either the words "social" and "media" or the words "monitoring" and "tool." By using parentheses, you group different search queries within the query field.

Mention or @:
Mentions are displayed by searching for an account name preceded by the mention symbol. For example, @obi4wan or mention:obi4wan.

Hashtag or #:
To retrieve messages containing specific hashtags, prefix the word with a hashtag symbol. For example, hashtag:socialmedia or #socialmedia. This will display all messages that include the hashtag #socialmedia.

" ":
Quotation marks are used to search for specific phrases or individual words. By enclosing multiple words in double quotation marks, you will only see messages where the words appear in the exact same order. For example, "social media monitoring" will only show messages where these three words appear in the exact same order. Searching for these three words separately, for example: (social media monitoring), will display messages where the three search terms appear anywhere in the text, even in a different order.

Wildcard or *:
By placing an asterisk (wildcard) after a word, you will retrieve all variations of that word. For example, OBI* will retrieve messages containing "OBI4wan" as well as "obiwankanobi." Please note that a wildcard can only be used for words with at least three letters and cannot be placed before a word.

Use "User" to see messages posted by a specific account. For example, user:obi4wan. Note: If an account name contains punctuation, you need to enclose it in quotation marks, for example: user:"alex_ruiter," as a dash is also considered a separator.

Using "account" displays all messages posted on a Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram account. For example, account:obi4wan shows all messages on the Facebook page or Instagram account of OBI4wan. If you want to filter messages from a specific source, you can add it to the search query, for example: account:obi4wan AND source:instagram.

Please note that this operator is case-sensitive, uses lowercase letters and spaces, and requires quotation marks (e.g., account:"rode kruis").

However, for Twitter and LinkedIn, the operator is case-sensitive, for example: account:OBI4wan. If you want to filter out the messages you posted, the search query would look like this: account:obi4wan NOT user:obi4wan.

Use "timeline" to see messages from a specific Twitter account. For example, timeline:OBI4wan will display all messages visible on the timeline of OBI4wan. Please note that this search query cannot be combined with other search queries and only works with Twitter accounts linked to your environment.

We display data from various sources. If you want to search for a specific source, you can add the source type to the search query. For example, source:twitter will only show messages posted on Twitter. You can combine this with other keywords, for example: "social media" AND source:twitter will only display Twitter messages where "social media" is used.

You can search for specific languages or exclude specific languages by adding a language code to the search query. To filter by language, add the following combination to the end of the search query: AND lang:EN (for English) or AND lang:DE (for German), etc. To exclude messages in a specific language, add the following combination to the end of the search query: NOT lang:EN (for English) or NOT lang:DE (for German).

Posttype Twitter:
You can filter for different types of Twitter posts using the "posttype" operator. The post types for Twitter are STATUS, REPLY, and RETWEET. For example, obi4wan AND posttype:REPLY will show all replies on Twitter to another message mentioning OBI4wan. Note that the desired Twitter post type only works when using uppercase letters.

Posttype Facebook:
The post types for Facebook are status, comment, link, photo, video, conversation, and rating. For example, obi4wan AND posttype:comment will display all comments on OBI4wan's Facebook posts.

Private Messages:
If you want to view private messages on Twitter (direct messages) or private messages on Facebook (conversations), you can add the private message type to the search query, combined with the account name. For example, obi4wan AND "direct message" will show all DMs on Twitter, and obi4wan AND "facebook conversation" will display all private conversations on Facebook. Please note that this only works for accounts that are linked in your environment and have been made available for one or more roles. We prioritize privacy when using this feature.

By using location, you can search for messages from a specific location. Using obi4wan AND location:amsterdam will only retrieve messages where the individuals or organizations have specified Amsterdam as their location in their Twitter bio or Facebook profile description.

To display all messages tagged with a specific tag, use usertag. usertag:complaint will show all messages in the webcare tag "complaint" within your environment. Please note that searching for tags is case-sensitive, so if you used uppercase letters when creating the tag, you need to include them in the search query as well.

If you want to see all messages from a specific website, you can search using the full URL. For example, site:www.nu.nl will display all messages from this website. You can combine this with other keywords. obi4wan AND site:www.spotler.com will retrieve messages from the news site www.spotler.com where OBI4wan is mentioned.

It is possible to retrieve messages from accounts that have been added to a group. If you have placed contacts in a group within OBI4wan, you can set the search query to the name of the group. For example, group:Ambassadors will display messages from contacts assigned to the Ambassadors group.

By using the platform operator, you can exclude or include messages from specific platforms in a search query. For example, platform:OBI4wan will show all messages posted via the OBI4wan tool. Please note that the operator is case-sensitive, and for platforms with multiple words, you can use double quotation marks (e.g., platform:"Twitter for Mac"). Additionally, the platform operator only works with Twitter.

Search Query:
The "Search Query" operator allows you to use all the search terms from an existing search query in other search queries. By using the operator "search query" followed by the name of an existing search query, the search query will be automatically added. For example, search query:obi4wan AND source:twitter will include all the search terms from the existing search query "obi4wan," but only show the results from the Twitter source.

To view only first-level comments on a specific Facebook post, use the "subthread" operator. After "subthread," insert the numbers from the URL when you click on the "open in webcare" link for the original Facebook post. For example, subthread:172421869457023_1294494313916434 will retrieve all comments on a Facebook post. Only first-level comments will be shown with this search query. If other comments are made on these comments, they will not be included in the search query results.


With the following operator you can find all Story Mentions of Instagram:

  • context:"Story mention"

WhatsApp phone number:

Using the following operator fromuserid, you can retrieve messages from specific WhatsApp numbers.

  • fromuserid:31* is for Dutch numbers
  • fromuserid:32* is for Belgian numbers